A MAZE. / Berlin 2024

13th International Games and Playful Media Festival


by Rajeev Basu (USA)

Genre: Action

Confuse A Bot is a videogame created to save humanity from the AI Apocalypse

Insight: AI is only as good as its datasets. So let's mess with the data.

Idea: To prevent an "AI apocalypse" this videogame actually attempts to retrain AI (for real) so it thinks everything around it... is cheese.

The game is a satirical take on the hype/claims of an "AI apocalypse”. AI continues to develop at a dramatic rate, but beyond lively debates, petitions, and even warnings from the AI creators themselves, not much actual action has been taken to prevent a "disaster".

Some clever tech behind-the-scenes in the game reclassifies real image data based on how players play, and releases it online in real-time, for AI scrapers to ingest and learn from.

Confuse A Bot – Verify incorrectly, save Humanity. A game by Rajeev Basu

> The game is a prototype. > See the trailer: https://www.confuseabot.com/

Platform: Web